The Computer Fixer-Upper

The computer fixer-up guy
A professional wiz
One morning stopped by
To give us the biz

By adding more rams
He enhanced the speed
Of our slowed up programs
Which had more ram need

He gave us more gig-a-bytes
For more space addition
We now reach those web-a-sites
With these new acquisitions

He introduced us to Mother-Boards
A mind boggling notion
When lost files he restored
We contained our emotion

With Intel inside
Our computer's set-up
With a printer beside
Primed for a get-up

The camera's connected
For photos galore
The scanner detected
For copies to store

Thanks fixer-guy
Our computers now gel
We can't ever deny
That you fixed our Dell well

By Stan Cooper...11/9/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 653 times
Written on 2007-11-22 at 17:28

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
hora to and for the computer fixer upers, hora to those who free uis from all that stress of allthat teco teckey strus , that flumx us so easy , when even poeraning the box's can course strains upon the mind , horta , to those tcko computer fixerupers , who hert us on line , to let loose our words , and lets us reat the words of others , ho ra hora indeed :)
chears Stan & Don , old friends , Ken

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Where would we be without these computer wizards, although I do worry about the amount of time I spend in front of the computer

Elle x