A Wordy Worthy Pet

If I could have a dinosaur pet
I'd name him Sir Thesaurus
He'd be the smartest dinosaur yet
Ever found in any forest

He could growl out answers easily
To any wordy questions
They'd come to him most breezily
As he offered word suggestions

When my dinosaur was famished
I'd feed him books galore
But if he still was famished
He might eat a whole book store

A dictionary of his desire
He could ask out on a date
This wordy gal he might acquire
Could be his word-ed mate

An intellectual couple, they'd be
Prone to wordy babble
Babbling on in wordy glee
While defeating all at Scrabble

But, alas, I don't know any breeders
I say this with regret
Of dinosaur-ous readers
Those wordy worthy pets

by Stan Cooper...10/30/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 608 times
Written on 2007-11-25 at 15:28

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Wordy worthy pet , indeed , Stan . Great poem and art of you both , Stan and Don.
All the best , Ken ( D Willliams )