Something that happened in the past. Water under the bridge.
We learn from experience. Hopefully...


bagheera came and conquered
she sat my heart ablaze
and what I need right now is
a miracle of grace

we bumped into each other
she jumped into my soul
I needed her vibrations
she needed rock'n'roll
she calls me "handsome thinker"
i really love that name
so I displayed my heart to
this mighty rainbow flame

this powerful sensation
brings out the best in me
the diamond keeps on shining
the panther's been set free
we keep on beaming love waves
I keep on sowing seeds
the nourishment from heaven
to satisfy the need

across the seas and rivers
across the continent
my heart goes out tonight and
the music's heaven sent
so pick up your receiver
tune in, turn on, drop out
becoming a believer
is what it's all about


Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 643 times
Written on 2007-11-27 at 12:25

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Christian Lanciai
A very intriguing text awakening all kinds of associations. I am afraid I've had similar experiences...