The first Adam sinned. Jesus came as the second Adam and brought reconciliation.
Those who believe will be part takers of the redemption.
all that wasted time
can never be regained
think about it long enough
and you may go insane
there's and end to your life
unlike the universe
life down here is limited
due to the ancient curse
adam number one
brought death upon us
adam number two
has brought life back
God's prophetic Word
is there to warn us
though the truth remains
under attack
heaven's global search light
penetrates despair
so when joy seems distant
it may be drawing near
that's what i experienced
back in '84
that's why i keep praying
and coming back for more
adam number two
came here to put things right
He did what we can not do
through our strength and might
through faith and faith alone
there's no condemnation
for those who are His Own
LARZ GUSTAFSSON December 7, 2007
Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 860 times
Written on 2007-12-11 at 13:21
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Those who believe will be part takers of the redemption.
all that wasted time
can never be regained
think about it long enough
and you may go insane
there's and end to your life
unlike the universe
life down here is limited
due to the ancient curse
adam number one
brought death upon us
adam number two
has brought life back
God's prophetic Word
is there to warn us
though the truth remains
under attack
heaven's global search light
penetrates despair
so when joy seems distant
it may be drawing near
that's what i experienced
back in '84
that's why i keep praying
and coming back for more
adam number two
came here to put things right
He did what we can not do
through our strength and might
through faith and faith alone
there's no condemnation
for those who are His Own
LARZ GUSTAFSSON December 7, 2007
Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 860 times
Written on 2007-12-11 at 13:21