A fiction romance...(Buzzcocks)


from the structure of your cheekbones
all the way down to your feet
you' re the proudest local lady
walking down the city street
on the bus back from the city
i enjoy the sight of you
as you sit there proud and pretty
as you make me feel so blue

cheekbone peach
you' re out of reach
out of reach for men like me
citty kitty
a sugarcane celebrity

from the north down to the south
from the west and to the east
i don' t need a change of scenery
but shelter from the beast
when the rubber hits the road
and when the push comes to a shove
when it's all been said and done
there is nothing like pure love

July 2006

Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 624 times
Written on 2007-11-27 at 12:29

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Kathy Lockhart
a very rhythmical poem with a cute and clever attitude. Well done. : )