"A change would do you good..."


i' m gonna go to a place where i've never been
i' m gonna see some views that i' ve never seen
i won' t say where i' m going
i' ll just go away
and do something unusual today

there are still some streets where i haven' t been walking
where i don' t have to hear all the gobbers talking
i'll walk there with my walkman
and feel ok
i' ll do something unusual today

i' m sorry, my friend but you can not join me
there are certain days when i need to feel free
and i' ve got a feeling
this is one of those days
so i' ll do something unusual today

so with all due respect, please leave me alone
i just want to get out on my own
perhaps i' ll write
or perhaps i' ll pray
but i' ll do something unusual today

this perfect day
won' t come again
a special day
without my friends
i do not want to
be crude or rude
but i just need my

the sun is shining, it's a summer day
i know some places where i'd like to stay
i' ll take the bus
and i' ll be on my way
to do something unusual today

LARZ GUSTAFSSON August 13, 2006

Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 668 times
Written on 2007-11-27 at 12:32

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