God is faithful.


one day i' m gonna leave all this behind
some glorious day when all is said and done
the thought of this keeps comforting my mind
then all the fears and worries will be gone

when i walk through that pearly gate
then you will hear me say:
it's was worth it every step of the way

down here life's full of farewells and goodbyes
and paranoia sometimes grabs my soul
but one day i' ll meet Jesus in the sky
i' m standing on the rock that doesn' t roll

if you' re filled with the Spirit of the Lord
there is a cry residing in your heart
Lord cometh! Maranatha!
like a sword
it keeps the flesh and spirit far apart

the pilgrim is a visitor on earth
a stranger to the pleasures of the world
he treasures life with Jesus which is worth
much more than precious stones and gold and pearls


Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 703 times
Written on 2007-11-27 at 12:33

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