"Two lovers missing the tranquility of solitude." (The Jam)


sometimes it's the doorbell
sometimes it's the phone
i just wish people
would leave me alone
i often suspect
it's a conspiracy
they just don' t want me
to feel free

they try with their traps
and their hooks
just leave me alone
with my books!

i hurry back home
from my job every day
i want to live my life
and in my own way
i fight to escape
all their smart little plans
most people are enemies
very few fans

i hide in my corner
where i' m out of reach
an island of sunshine
with my private beach
they have disrespected
my integrity
i cherish the moments
when i' m truly free

LARZ GUSTAFSSON October 4, 2006

Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 707 times
Written on 2007-11-27 at 18:53

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I understand and applaud every word. I think that my very favourite things are books. Bookmark and applaud.

Zoya Zaidi
There is nothing like curling up in your warm bed on a wintry night and read a book!
Welcome tothe bay Larz!