I've lived and loved
And I've been hurt
I could explain
I've lived and loved
And I have learned
And there was so much pain
(Amanda Lear)
why don' t you quit chasing that dream?
you know it will never come true
no matter how good things may seem
you' ll still end up lonely and blue
it's not yesterday anymore
things will never be like before
this broken heart can' t be restored
but still it keeps crying for more
this longing is wild desperation
this longning is childish but true
this urge for a brand new sensation
this passion is too wild for you
your heart is on fire tonight
it's burning brighter than the neon lights
your heart wants to dance around town
all through the nations
and all around
you feel this is larger than life
hot dance on the edge of a knife
why don' t you stop gazing at stars?
your wishes will never come true
a shooting star
a weeping guitar
a sailor at sea lost and blue
tomorrow may not even come
and nothing is certain these days
a sweet Eldorado to some
to others, a painful disgrace
Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 663 times
Written on 2007-11-27 at 19:07