Revolution! Revelation!


some say that you' re a communist
but i know that you' re not
'cause you go so mych deeper
than lenin or pol pot
some say you' re a philosopher
a teacher of some kind
it sure takes revelation
to make them change their minds

the people on the street
have heard about you once or twice
but few of them know
you' re the only way to paradise
so many have been misinformed
the truth can set them free
so will they ever hear it?
well, that's up to you and me!

we've been sent into this world
to spread His light
we won' t have to be ashamed
we know we're right
we are true as long as we
go by the book
and we won' t catch any fish
without a hook

no time to seek comfort
in the public image
no time to find shelter
in movies and books
once you will experience
God Allmighty
won' t let you off the hook

this is the year of the raven
this is the age of the prophets
prophecy's bound to be fullfilled
even if the great
raven gets killed


Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 848 times
Written on 2007-11-28 at 08:40

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