Do I advocate piracy then? On the contrary. But I was born to be wild.
a bright light is shining
in the midst of misery
a fire is burning
for passion and piracy
come close
hold me closer
till the ice blocks melt down
and free me from tension
from the terror of this town
i gaze at the blue skies
life's a wonderful gift
invades like crusaders
or eagles from cliffs
no swords and no blodshed
just a message of love
some warmth in this cold bed
is what dreams are made of
a beam from your lighthouse
could reach my heart tonight
but wounds in my soul
makes me eager to fight
if truth is prevailing
if there is sincerity
if love's never failing
there is hope for you and me
LARZ GUSTAFSSON, November, 2004
Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 791 times
Written on 2007-11-28 at 08:42