This song can also be found on our CD.


she will come like fire
she will come like ice
she will come like sugar
she will come like spice
gentle rain in my desert
sometimes an ocean of yes
healing words from a kind heart
when my life was a mess

i' m hypnotized
for this is more than just a dream
you touched the core of this old being

gold at the end of the rainbow
guide me, my torch in the night
take me away from the freakshow
take me to wuthering heights
feed me the grapes from your garden
show me the depths of your mind
send me some paradise sunshine
and i will try to be kind

this broken mirror destroys me
cuts me and causes me pain
stay by my side, precious beauty
true friends are so hard to gain

August, 2003

Poetry by Larz Gustafsson
Read 874 times
Written on 2007-12-01 at 13:00

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Such strong and beautiful feelings you express here Larz. Very enjoyable, though I do think that we are in error if we rely on another human for our happiness...

Zoya Zaidi
An ardent declaration of pure feelings!
Well done dear Larz!