First Things First

There we were, on our flight to London, Paris and Rome
When I realized we must immediately return home
I insisted the Pilot turn the plane around
And get us back down on the ground

The pilot hemmed, jawed and hawed
After all, it was Europe we were headed toward
But when he finally understood, he agreed
To turn the plane around 180 degrees

So we wouldn't visit the Eiffel Tower, or London's Big Ben
Forget about the audience with The Pope in the Vatican
It was first things first and I understandably reckoned
That compared to where we were headed, they all came in second

After landing, we grabbed a cab and home we went
Got dollied up for our important event
We dared not be late, couldn't be tardy
For our annual Writers Club holiday party

by Stan Cooper...12/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 595 times
Written on 2007-12-01 at 14:52

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Cant miss a great party just 2 c big ben & ifal tower a case prioritis , lol , enjyd Stan & Don.

All the best , Ken ( D Williams )

It is funny we can long for travelling far away ..but when it comes to these every day matters they do tell us how attached we are to the day to day life we live ,,,, I mean paris and London will be there tomorrow as well persumably .. a nice piece in writing an illustrating ...

