Let's Do Something For Santa Claus

Let's do something for Santa Claus
That jolly Ho-Ho-ing guy
He rates more then mere applause
That, no one would ever deny

Sliding down chimneys at his age is tough
Let's find him an easier way
He manages well, strangely enough
But he's beat at the end of his day

Santa's a senior who'll never retire
So a 401K won't do
As the world's most famous good will supplier
He warrants more then "thank you"

Why not pay him time and a half
Make him a Union member
Let's get him a larger working staff
At least in the month of December

His home at the North Pole is snow-ing-ly chilly
But he's too proud to complain
Perhaps he should move to Vegas or Philly
Where there's less snow and less strain?

Let's do something for Santa Claus
That guy with the cheerful "Ho-Ho"
There can be no more worthy a cause
Then helping that HoHo-ing pro

by Stan Cooper...11/13/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 551 times
Written on 2007-12-18 at 01:32

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Time & half , now thats meean, the union should hold out for at least qutropule time , with compo days of to match the the day he workes , heityh and safty of thayt note should be taken , a heated slay , heatec clothing esplyey adopted undfys must be suplyde , membership of a fiert class gym , note should be madepof the safrety of the chimalys to , fiers put out , central heateinmg is a must , chilmls sweept , if open fiers still in use , chimly sweep should be empyde too goo down befire Santer dos , freshly backde minse pies , and only the finest port left fore on santer.
Well writan and great art work , lads , Ken ( D Williams )