Bah Humbug

The Holiday Season comes, rejoiced in words so saintly
The reason to be glum is, all year they're heard so faintly


People get fanatic when differences appear
Go into a panic, just sameness they revere


War rages on our earth as brothers smite each other
What causes such a dearth of loving one another ?


This once a year of spreading joy, is not the way to spread it
It's hypocrisy and just decoy, which brings to us discredit


Why can't our love for fellow men pervade throughout the year
With this attained, we might find then, all hate would disappear


by Stan Cooper...12/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 627 times
Written on 2007-12-18 at 01:55

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Stan & Don , a brleant joint work as always. The poem , and artr work , say's exacley as I feel at this time of year. The year cosist of 365 days 366 dayes in a leap year. The whole year should be about spreading peae , being genorosde kind , tolerant , copashanet. Time spent in being opend minded open hated open hands. To teach be talt , leran abouteach other. I liked to think I give the whole year round. I know that I do not libve in the best country in the world. Not the worse . Time is the greist gifet we can give , as time once given can never be regande made up , replased. When some one stopes to talke with me or help me out in some way. I make a point of thanking that person fore thear time. As they hve given me a great and wonderful gift , part of thear very life.
Thank you Stan and Don , a geat team , and great freinds so your are, all the best , Ken ( D Williams )

Rob Graber
Good write, right for seasonal rites!