Santa's Trips

The Christmas trips that Santa takes
Seem somehow most implausable
Over mountain ranges, rivers and lakes
They are much too much exhaustable

From way up north, he heads southbound
He gets his deer to move-em
Should forget his deer and ride Greyhound
And leave all the driving tooo them

The reason Rudolph's nose is red
Is that Santa has so bruised him
By riding Greyhound bus instead
He would no more abuse him

Reindeer in their forest home
Seclusion is their preference
They have no need from home to roam
And should be shown some deference

If riding Greyhound, he finds too slow
He could always fly United
And Santa still could Ho Ho Ho
While his Rudolphs wrongs are righted

To keep our Christmas joyful
Santa must resolve
To not be so annoy-ful
To all the deer involved

This happy resolution
Would help him feel more jolly
His transit substitution
Would end this Reindeer folly

by Stan Cooper...12/23/00 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 586 times
Written on 2007-12-18 at 22:10

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I cant but wonder what he feeds the raindear , I hear the alerale and drugs buro are trying to him out , the British RASPCA , are demanding the plods get upon thear slays and investgaite , just how can this santer bloke be hear while thear , in such a short a time , there must be something in their feed.
Yet another great erite with great art , Stan and Don
Ken (D Williams)