Viva La Difference?

There's surely not much effusion, for a gal with a male-like potrusion
She causes phallic confusion
With her selective kind of fame
In the circles of odd genitalia, she's regarded as not quite female-ia
With all that extra detail-ia
She's an unusual kind of dame

When a guys genitalia is missed, all he has is an empty abyss
Those who know, know things are amiss
He's an unusual sort of stud
Though it was their own decisions, having their sex change revisions
They may fear the coming derisions
When wearing reversed kinds of duds

So viva la difference, to me it's just common sense
For gents to remain as gents
That's the way guys should be
And viva la difference, to me it seems kind of dense
For a lass to have penis pretense
Masquerading her she as a he

Regarding their off-beat sway, for going their either way
It's not my right to say
Don't foster your illusions
"Yet, bother it I may, occasionally say"
On any given day
I can't concur with their conclusions

Viva la difference

*quote from HMS Pinafore..Gilbert & Sullivan

by Stan Cooper...12/23/01 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 647 times
Written on 2007-12-18 at 22:30

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
P S: I wonder what you would make of the British tadishanal panto's , Stan. In wich woman play the maile romantick lead , men play the parts of woman , makes zece to us , lol. Ask , Don. You may well need to enter thearopy , as your mind implodes ,. lol.
Ken ( D Williams )

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
An enjoyable read as always , with great complementarity art as always. Well dun Stan and Don.

Ken ( D Williams )