Takin' The Rap

There it was a-tapping
Like ghostly spirits rapping
This tapping had me beat
I was scared from skull to feet

Secure in my seclusion
That rap was mere intrusion
I couldn't help but think
There was something out of sync

Could my neighbor in his languish
To inform me of his anguish
Be tapping out a code
On the wall of his abode?

I just put that rapping noise aside
I didn't cross that wall divide
Afraid of what I'd find
I simply just declined

My courage lack, most unappealing
Has given me this guilty feeling
Now the tapping's fully ceased
I hope my neighbor's not deceased

by Stan Cooper...7/21/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 549 times
Written on 2007-12-19 at 07:21

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
May be it's just that last kentucky rye , you downde last night, Stan!!

An interesting write , my freind , with Dons art work to match.
All the best , my old freinds , Stan , and Don,
Ken ( D Williams )