
To stroke a ball with cat-like precision
Golfers must have golfing goods
Making creative cat-like decisions
Like that tiger known as Woods

From tee to green there's no doubt at all
He's a tiger all the way
With powerful swings he slams that ball
This tiger of the P G A

He's a whiz with his birdies, as most felines are
Even eagles are in this cat's game
Driving from tees, his golf balls go far
Few golfers can make the same claim

When in the sand, no matter how deep
He blasts shots straight for the hole
His ball seems to take a tiger-like leap
His game is so under control

Nicklaus, Hogan, Hagen and Snead
Greats of the game, to be sure
But history will in time concede
That Tiger's game was most pure

by Stan Cooper...8/2002 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 549 times
Written on 2007-12-19 at 07:34

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Tiger , Tiger , fore ever burning bright.
A great trbute to aguberly the greatist fiest golfer of all time.
Well writan , Stan , with great toons , art work from Don.
All the best to you both , Ken ( D Williams )