This poem somewhat dated as both McArthy and Ashcroft no longer in office...
The poem outdated, but not it's point


Joe McCarthy was the demon
Who sought to stifle all resistance
Threatened those who thought like free-men
And bullied with a bulls' persistence

He reigned as Senate feudal lord
Wielding his big stick
Civil liberties he ignored
At smearing he was slick

This bully took great toll
With phony patriotic passion
Self aggrandizement his goal
McCarthy headlines his attraction

His was a witches-hunt
Our countrys' bleeding sore
To Americans, an affront
We don't want that anymore

Mr Ashcroft, you're being watched
Your office don't defame
Our Constitution will be botched
If you play McCarthys' game

By Stan Cooper...3/03 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 560 times
Written on 2007-12-19 at 21:40

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Affter reading your trubute to the greats of Hollywood , Stan. You menshand Woody Allan. To add to my origanal comment. Allan made a great film called ''The Front''. A film about the McCarthy wich hunts he carred out of Hollywood. A very good the actors and writers of the film were all vcicktims of THAT MAN, and those behind him. The film shoud be part of the education of American children and thesar perants. I have to say I am not much of Woody fan , but in that film he is very very good. The use of the ''F'' word , used just the once , ense it is the most efecktive use of a greatly over used , misused'
You two on a roll this evening . :)
Ken ( D Williams )

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A good write , good art,with good points made. Some years a goo I had the houner to meet a grandmouther from New York, with her grand son , a young lad. I got to ta;lking with her, while her grand son listande on. She told me she was a scocerlis. How dispite McCarthy she keeps to her beleve in sicerlisom. Her gran son leasrt a lot he had never knowe abouit his grany , anmd just how great she was. He lerant a lot about the huistory of America. Sadly , now foire Amriv=cans and the British to name but 2 countreys . Are face a simaler repeat of those bad old days. Thank you Stan and Dan, fine work from the 2 of you.
Ken ( D Williams )