
There are Gertrude Stein, Sir Aurel Stein
Nobel winner, Will Stein too
There is Rubenstein and Frankenstein
To mention just a few

Are they all part of the same Stein bunch
In this way intertwined
Somehow or other, I've got this hunch
They're family, Clan de Stein

by Stan Cooper...5/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 573 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 01:53

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Catchy words, my friend. And very amusing. I have a friend named Stein, and I think I'll shpw him this. Good Work.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Maybe their related to the Smiths?
All the best , to you both , (Ken ( D Williams )