
He married a Tipper, did Al Gore
And he's as happy with her as can be
She's the Vice President's ambassador
Both at home and over the sea

She's an example of how tipping pervades
Our lives, one way or other
At times we find that tipping invades
To the point that it can smother

Basketball has it's tip-offs
There are those that tip the scale
Required tips are oft time rip offs
That tippers should rightly assail

Pasted pictures are called tip-ons
They're used in the Greeting Card biz
Getting tipsy can come from binge-ons
And a fall into drunken abyss

We tip off to sleep when we're weary
We succumb to horse racing tips
"It's a long long way to Tipperary"
A trip a smart traveller skips

So enough of this tip filled orgy
Let's get off this tip filled spree
Don't write a tip filled story
That's a tip...take it from me

by Stan Cooper...5/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 563 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 01:57

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"So enough of this tip orgy" made my day. Great work. as always.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Good tips: do not fly tip , your rubbish , take your trash to the town , city , refuse tip, 'tis bad to chose a beuty spot , to tip your rubbish , the tash you craited , old sofers , builders scrap , thats is SOOO bad.
Well writan , I nerver tip the waiter nore barbouer , nor shop asitants , no one gave me a tip when I wewre down the mine!!!
All the best , Stan and Don , well done.
Ken ( D Williams )