Dining, Wine-ing With Jeanne

When I'm out with Jeannie dining
In a gourmet place of choice
We inevitably end up wine-ing
And, wow, do we rejoice

It's the food that gets us woozy
We rationalize that way
That meal is quite a doozy
In that drinking cabaret

Leg of lamb might bomb us out
And a steak might do that too
Lobster has that knock-out clout
As does gourmet cooked ragout

The wine you say? Forget it
It has no affect at all
We would never ever let it
Our balance overhaul

The wine I most adore
I've come to realize
Is the wine with most allure
That wine in Jeannies eyes

by Stan Cooper...7/2000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 579 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 02:12

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Reminds me of the Jean in my life. But lets not goo there!
A sweet , love poem , with great art to goo with the poem.
Ken ( D Wlliams )