Sell Sell Sell, you must
It's a requisite for survival
No sales are a total bust
Assuring your Poor House arrival
Management says, "Go out and sell"
Regardless of customers' need
But should you morally rebel
Your expulsion will be decreed
Salesmen, laden with quotas
Forever raised sky high
Bosses not caring an iota
That quotas crucify
Success is not based on product alone
Integrity is a salesman's must
Credibility builds the cornerstone
For allaying the buyer mistrust
Experience teaches one thing for sure
Integrity's the salesmen's main tool
Crediblity, needed to endure
Should be the company rule
by Stan Cooper...3/2000 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper
Read 527 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 07:10
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