First Stanza borrowed from Gilbert & Sullivan's, "The Mikado"


"There is beauty in the bellow of a blast
There is grandeur in the howling of a gale
There is eloquence outpouring
When the lion is a roaring
And the tiger is a lashing of his tail"

There is beauty in those words of Mr. Gil
His beauteous words are musically a thrill
So marvelously clever
His words will last forever
They were written with abandon and great skill

There are other types of beauty then just words
Believing only words have beauty is absurd
There is beauty in a snowflake
There is beauty in a keepsake
And there's beauty in the feathers of a bird

Don't overrate what's ugly. It confounds us
Be grateful for the beauty that surrounds us
There isn't any dearth
Of beauty on our earth
Appreciate what's beautiful around us

by Stan Cooper...4/000 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 575 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 07:15

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
beauty , is in deed in the eye of the beholder , beauty is all around us , all we need to do is open our eyes , our ears , ouir mind's , our minds to express what we see , what we hear.
Well writan ,Stan , well , drawn , Don, Both express your selfs so beautifully as always
Ken ( D Williams )