
It was Don's sadistic endeavor
To get Stan to write about "nothing"
He never thought Stan could be clever
To change"nothing" into something

One can not write of this abstraction
Without venturing into infinity
It was Einstein's most thoughtful action
Which brings us to that vicinity

What was good enough for Einstein
Is more than good for me
Good old Albert would really shine
Defining "nothing" properly

If Don, through Einstein, could conceive
No beginning or end to space
He'd find it easier to believe
"Nothing's" found most any place

Don, you have been hood-winked
You really never had a clue
With Einstein get in-sync
And you'll never "nothing" misconstrue

by Stan Cooper...8/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 550 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 07:32

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Nothing is nothing , only when we are deaf , dumb , or blind , if we choose , nothing is nothing that depends on us relativity speacking!
A good poem as always , with great art of the pen and pensal.
Well don , well exprest both of you what a team. Man your on a roll last few days.
Ken ( D Williams )