
Jeanne, if the shoe does you fit, you'll just have to wear it
When you close without saving, you'll just have to bear it
Lost files on the disk, seem to send you a raving
When to find them once more is what you are craving

Calm down my Fair Lady, don't get carried away
There are worse things in life which can lead you astray
Like a total breakdown of your husband's hard drive
We know that would most surely eat you alive

If you intend to continue with this cyberspace stuff
You must understand that it's stuff can be tough
So, don't waste your time with the gnashing of teeth
Just acknowledge the good things computers bequeath

Go back to your windows, your e-mails and screen
If key-board-ed right, they'll be not at all mean
With dot-coms, back slashes in all their right places
You'll find of your anger, there'll be very few traces

by Stan Cooper...6/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 619 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 22:54

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Dear , Jeanne , if all fails, I pass on my old dad's advice , take off your sterletoes , give your computer some welly , hit it hard , till the stars do show , tech the computer who's the boss , me dad calld the hammer , '' The American scewdriver '' , I am sure yiur sterletoes will do the job.

All the best to the three of you ,:) Ken ( D williams )