Another example of Don trying to stump me by submitting "off the wall" subjects for me to put into apologies to all you good readers for my "subject"ing you to Don's form of sadism...


It seems to be Don Hunt's main mission
Choosing topics to merely befuddle
They must enter his mind through attrition
As his brain seems to work in a muddle

He's come up with a topic three tiered
Each tier having little import
So for this, Don Hunt should be jeared
And be dragged into criminal court

His topic is SHIRT and BLUE and SILK
How could they have entered his mind
He's asked me to write poems of this ilk
And for that he is most unkind

To write about SHIRTS would be numbing
Be they red or white or BLUE
And I can't quite imagine succumbing
There are no rhymes of worth here to spew

The third of this group is not better
Though SILK, a fabric so pure
Is not worth my getting upsetter
By writing of subjects obscure

My friend Don, go sip some fine brandy
Who knows what might come of it
You could find it might come in real handy
Finding topics for you to submit

by Stan Cooper...9/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 574 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 23:18

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I think you called ,Don's bluff , there , Stan :)

All the best to you two scaly wags , Ken ( D Williams )