Death, Take A Holiday

Holidays are for everyone
As we all enjoy vacations
A leisure repose in the sun
Is a working man's salvation

An active form of vacation
Is golfing, to name just one
While some prefer relaxation
To restfully have their fun

Water buffs go swimming
Hikers take their hikes
Gymnasts do their gym-ing
Bikers roll on bikes

But, suppose Death wanted to rest
And take off a week or two
Who'd invite Death as their guest?
I can't imagine who, can you?

Vacationing Death would be auspicious
For most of the world at large
Death's time away would be propitious
Life great without Death in charge

Let's send Death to outer space
On a most deserved vacation
Assuring Death more holidays
Would be grand for life's duration

by Stan Cooper...9/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 581 times
Written on 2007-12-20 at 23:25

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A good thought, but I think those in power would feil threatand.

A good write with great art as always,
Ken ( D williams )