
The subject in question has sent me a reeling
It's a topic not written with ease
Why would Don ask me to write about ceilings?
Don't know, but will try hard to please

Floors, for a subject, would make much more sense
As floors we do constantly use
Writing about ceilings somehow seems dense
Don's subject just gives me the blues

A ceiling is found at the top of a room
In a house that is normally built
And can also be found at the top of a tomb
Where it helps us keep out all the silt

The ceiling is checked on by pilots in planes
When they're flying way up in the sky
When the ceiling is low, it often detains
Aircraft from flying too high

Michaelangelo climbed up to one
Painting his frescoes galore
His neck so hurt when finally done
Could paint on ceilings no more

To go on much further, with this ceiling nonsense
Would not be true to my feelings
I hope I've not caused my readers offense
By writing this thing I called Ceilings

by Stan Cooper...10/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 599 times
Written on 2007-12-21 at 00:40

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
My , dear Stanly , fore neglected , the glars celing , whear many reach , but can but look through , but never pass through.
Well writan , I see you bring your pocker face in toplay once more , playing a striate bat , hitting the googles bulde by Don out of the ground , 6ixs every , knock of your bat.

All the best to you both , Ken