
Don Hunt your a rhyme subject master
Your subject's a total disaster
You think I'm a chump
Who you try hard to stump
But Stan can think so much faster

This one you've chosen is fruitable
Here's a fact most indisputable
A lemon or lime
For a rhyme would be fine
For orange, there's no rhyme that's suitable

Old Don at home you just sit
Finding subjects to give Stan a fit
An orange we know
At it's center does stow
Like your subjects, a collection of pits

You've used an orange to pelt me
But I've played the cards that you've dealt me
To drawing board return
And do your slow burn
And create a cartoon that will melt me

by Stan Cooper...8/99 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 608 times
Written on 2007-12-21 at 00:44

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Me oringe I did drop upon the bus flore , the driver did open the coches dore , squshing me oringe in the dore inge .

Thats about the best tyhat can be dun with the ornige

Well bated , again , Stan , You and Don got a comperstion , that will never end.

Ken :)