A Protest

He said, "Guiltless I am"
It wasn't a lie
He wouldn't fight in Viet Nam
Wouldn't go there to die

Our country he loves
But that war was insane
He wanted no part of
A war so inane

He'd fight with a fury
For a cause that was just
But the judge and the jury
Heard his plea with disgust

They imposed the sentence
"Serve hard time"
Demanded repentance
For committing no crime

He listened to conscience
Wouldn't go off half tilt
It wasn't indifference
Couldn't kill without guilt

Time showed he was right
He received absolution
Not fighting that fight
Was his peace contribution

by Stan Cooper...7/31/02 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 603 times
Written on 2007-12-21 at 00:56

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Points well made , Mohamed Alli , but one of many who would fight in an unjust war. Lets hope that now thear are many who wil say '' NO NO , NO killing fore me'' ' lock me up if thats yiur plan'' '' I'll do the hard time'' '' but I will not fight and kill in yiuir unjust war against mankind'' '' my own kind''
Thank you Stan & Don.