(can be sung to Gilbert & Sullivan's Modern Major General}

Unfortunately for the world, this didn't quite work out as he was unfathomly
placed in office again....but the poem is still relevant

About George Dubbyah Bush

He is the very model of a man not presid-ent-i-al
Compared to politicians, he is quite quint-essent-i-al
His faith-based proclamations, though completely rever-ent-ial
Are Constitution-all-y mis-placed and completely non-essent-i-al

Talents less inspired by warring con-front-a-tion
Must most certainly be found in our nation's pop-ul-a-tion
Appointed to his office by a voting ab-err-a-tion
His leadership, so called, is a total abom-in-ation

November two, two o-o-four, let's hope we feel del-i-cious-ly
With George removed from office by a margin most con-spi-ciously
This ouster vote will not at all come about cap-ric-ious-ly
Good citizens will have reckoned it, be certain, most jud-i-cious-ly

Florida appointed him to office in a vote most art-ific-ially
His presidential D.C. stay was purely accid-ent-i-ally
His stint as Chief Executive, was a failure most abys-mally
So good riddance to you Dubbyah, stay in Texas resid-ent-ally

by Stan Cooper...8/12/04 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 627 times
Written on 2007-12-21 at 01:09

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Clever indeed Stan.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I guess you could say dwer is a Bush waker, Stan , Bush waked us all a long with The Bleirest of them all as a member of his gang, now he have Brown , now we are all Browned off (: