The Daily Goings-On

I'm concerned about the daily goings-on
The muggings, the shootings, the daily scams and cons
The politicians with their politics of lying
Their unnecessary wars, the unnecessary dying

How this all came about, one wonders
It had to be society's many blunders
To correct it we must play a blaming game
Of how, why and where to place the blame

Blame teachers who teach like teaching is a drudgery
Blame the TV show that romanticizes mug-gery
Blame the politicos who keep us un-elated
With war and death that leave us devastated

Blame those parents who have no time for kids
And their parent-al errors that surely pyramid
Blame those budgets, which deny some kids a playground
So they play in streets where predators abound

These goings-on have me much concerned
I see no evidence that we've ever really learned
That if the preciousness of life, is ever to be tasted
We must change our wasteful ways so young lives aren't wasted

I'm concerned about the daily goings-on

by Stan Cooper...12/10/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 595 times
Written on 2007-12-30 at 22:40

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well writan , Stan , writan , with great brush work from Don. You write fore so mamny the world over ,Stan.
All the best to you both, Ken ( D Williams )