
Give me the squirms
They may pleasure fish
But are not at all my dish

I also get the squirms
From germs
I submit with utmost deference
They're not my utmost preference

It was one of nature's squirm mistakes
Creating things like squirmy snakes
I'd sooner hang with a snitch or tattler
Then cozy up to a snaky rattler

I find myself squirming at
The up-side-down-er hanging bat
I'd opt for life in Alcatraz
To bats, we're known to be as blind as

I'm not a lover of things not nice
Like in house mice or in hair lice
They make me squirm at just the thought
Of mice or lice being where they ought-not ought

The squirm-filled life I foresee
I won't accept too happily
I see nothing at all that's very nice
About worms, germs, mice and lice

by Stan Cooper...12/09/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 613 times
Written on 2008-01-07 at 14:03

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