A Dream

Sleeping one night i had a dream,
Many eyes were looking at me filled with gleam.
As i was starting to climb the ladder of success,
A lot were left bewildered for my lacked use of crutches.
Climbing a step or two,i waved back gleefully,
Watching me climb,they urged me to move freely.
I moved further up,and waved for them to see,
They acknowledged with signs of gee.
I climbed many more steps and turned back as usually,
Only to find their faces blurred,but hands moving continually.
The horizon was now much nearer and I now grew eager and eager,
Turning only ocassionally,to find faces going fainter and fainter.
Now the acme was within arms reach,and
I cared not to look back,thinking of waving hands.
At last, I reached the summit;my chest swelling with pride,
I smiled and turned back to find no one at my side.
At this juncture, i felt lonely, lonely and more lonely,
I longed for my dear ones, as my senses returned slowly.
I remembered their forced smiles on sorrowful faces,
Urging me to move more friskly,without any hint of traces.
I imagined their gestures,as if asking to let them come too,
But i shamelessly moved on and on,missing the entire clue.
And now i am alone,with no one to savour the moment,
I regretted and wished time to fly back and save me from furthrer torment.
But as dreams have uncanny nature of being untrue,
I jolted up on the bed,sweating,trying to construe.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 379 times
Written on 2008-01-17 at 07:13

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