Say!I Am Yours

I have been waiting for so long,that
Some day,you'll make your way through the haze
Now that,the things are quite clear
Please say!I am yours.

I have been waiting for so long,that
Some day,you'll let go off false pride
Now that,you've realised the truth
Please say!I am yours.

I have been waiting for so long,that
Some day,you'll be on my side
Now that,you have come
Please say!I am yours.

I have been kept waiting for so long,that
It seems a life-time has passed
Now,waist no more time on foolish words
Please say!I am only yours.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 527 times
Written on 2008-04-15 at 09:28

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hey this is a great piece
love it