A Journey

I set forth on a path not known,
For some of my past deeds to atone;
For the ultimate journey i forsake;
To carve a niche and a future to make.

Blossoms in the journey to drift the mind,
Thorns trying to stop from pursuing my find;
But, happiness and sorrows are only time's tests;
How i fare determine the result of my quest.

In this lone journey, only one battle to fight,
With sheer grit ,enthusiasm and whole might;
To outdo,not others but oneself;
Others, who will take care of themselves,

Embarking on which would bring to the fore,
New adventures and experiences that would have never before;
Enlightened the soul and broadened the mind scope;
In this journey is only one last fervent hope.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 361 times
Written on 2008-01-17 at 07:13

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