When The Going Gets Tough

When the going gets tough,
You feel the road ahead is rough;
Just don't stand there and grudge,
Take a deep breadth and start a trudge.

When you feel your chips down,
And people looking at you with a frown;
You might feel like crying,
Just don't give up without trying.

When no one's on your side,
To say that you are mine with pride;
Just don't let your emotions whimper,
You could always make a good tinker.

When pillows remain sodden with tears,
And mind filled with fears;
Just break free from your shackles,
And face the world with a bit of a crackle.

When you are on your downslide,
Take things into your stride;
For God's on your side;
And you could easily turn the tide.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 383 times
Written on 2008-01-17 at 07:12

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