Girls Best Friends

Girls best friends, diamonds are
Besting men as friends by far
No man could conceivably approach
The luster of a diamond broach

Guys to girls appear quite feckless
Compared to a forty-carat diamond necklace
First place goes to the gem so pure
Farther down is the man's allure

Men can be quite contrary
Causing fems to be quite wary
Divorce rates prove men expendable
Diamonds value more dependable

Diamonds are much harder than
Each and every hardy man
Most in all the female gender
Prefer the hardness diamonds render

There is one problem though, that must be mentioned
Mentioned here with all good intention
A dame in bed would be out of luck
Teaching a diamond how to ....

by Stan Cooper...1/18/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 676 times
Written on 2008-01-21 at 19:35

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A verey good write , Stan , with equilly good art of Don. But a woman may well have her '' rabbit'' , with a diamond stud , I wonder how many men been dumpde on a count of a ''diamond studded rabbit'' , how man men have rartherd paid up and look ''cool '' , rather than cite a ''diamond studded rabbit'' , and look ''small'' & ''thin'', with the staying power of the '' Mayfly infront of the judge , and the medear.

Well dun you two againe the perfickde parnership in words and pastals, Ken ( D Wiliiams )