Americas False Security Blankets

Our false blankets of security
Oceans Atlantic and Pacific
Distanced us from the reality
Of worldly things horrific

How safe we were, we seemed to think
We had oceans to protect-us
Sheltered by those massive drinks
No terror could affect-us

Terror was a foreign thing
That happens over there, somewhere
The States would never feel its sting
America had no need to care

As time marched on the world has shrunk
Our guardian seas now less protective
Our myths of safety have been debunked
As we view the world with real perspective

by Stan Cooper...1/19/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 681 times
Written on 2008-01-24 at 18:35

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Indeed, your poem speaks the horrid truth. Our world has shrunk to the size of a telephone.