Bilingual I'm Not

Can't express myself bilingually
In poetry or in speech
With my verbal singularity
Bilingual's out of reach

In France for "yes" they say "oui oui"
I can barely manage that
In Spain for "yes" they say "si si"
That's more than I can chat

"Sayonara" I can muster
That's the Japanese "good-by"
"Nyet" is said with bluster
No Russian can "deny"

When The Brits refuse to recognize
And scoff at how I speak
They claim English I've Americanized
I just turn the other cheek

From California to New Yawk
It's the language I converse in
The American way to talk
Is what I chat and verse in

by Stan Cooper...1/24/2007 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 591 times
Written on 2008-01-28 at 15:15

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Yeah, yeah, so what, I speak four languages fluently, but it doesn't seem to help, it is as always the content that eludes one, not the mode of expression, nor their tools.

Love this. Have you considered Noo Joisey?