This omnipresent person

Who is this guy, I wonder
This omnipresent person
His name so oft is under
Readings I'm immersed-in

His omniscience confounds me
He's wise, and so deliberate
How he writes so much astounds me
He's so prose-ful and alliterate

When he signs his name so proudly
His signature's synonymous
With what I read so fondly
Written by ANONYMOUS

by Stan Cooper...1/31/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 649 times
Written on 2008-02-04 at 18:10

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Yeah! Mr Anonymous Ubiquitous!
There is also another guy who writes a lot, though mostly university texts. he seems to know deeply each and every branch of science. His name is Ibid.

Thank you for your humor, guys! Your rhymes are always delightful to read!