
Penning Latin prescriptions
Is an out of date tradition
But Docs enjoy their clubby esoterics
This Latin flair escalates their fees
To patients it's proof of expertise
And there isn't any flair to drug generics

Generics cost the patients less
Cause them less financial stress
Prescriptive English should replace the Roma
But docs and druggists in cahoots
Profit from their drugging loots
They leave us with a not so nice aroma

The Hippocratic oath you'd think
Would keep the patients more in the pink
Cross country from Frisco to Manhattan
But ego and their money quests
Will keep them from generic bests
Prescriptions will be written still in Latin

by Stan Cooper...2/12/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 610 times
Written on 2008-02-18 at 16:04

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