Slow As Turtles

At 80 plus we're not reflexive
We've lost that quick and easy way
Our speedy movements are less excessive
We're slow as turtles, to our dismay

But slow and steadfast is not so bad
We were never agile as Fred Astaire
We'll reach our goals of old-time lads
And be the turtle who beat the hare

by Stan Cooper...1/16/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 906 times
Written on 2008-02-21 at 20:20

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Those who move too fast have often a tendency to miss essential things!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
It is funny - because I lost my mother young I was brought up by a lot of old aunts, so I guess I am old fashioned lol- the are my formative influences - and I miss them lol - cantankerous bunch lol

Elle x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Comica lwitty you Stan well done you are a new Edward lear regards mike i love this one in my bookmarks

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Slow down some lets talk , smell the flowers , look at the sky , hear the birds sing see the fly , hear the child shioting in glee , see the chikds checkey smile t why, maybe you need too be a Tuertle or a tortacse too doo all of that , and so so much else. The hare speds on , but not on and on , liveing fore what not be thear at all . Then it be too laite makes only hare stue , stueing in if onlys stue , a broth made with regrets , yea remorse , and so so much else.
Chea rs , Stan , as you can see , I coukd but not respond. A fine write , with great art as always from , Don , what a team!

Ken ( D Williams )