Walking Down The Lonely Road

Always bedazzled by the labyrinths of the mind,
Who cared today to keep the thoughts in the hind.
Having no one by the side to goad;
Walking down the lonely road.
Of all the thoughts that kept ptotuding,
One came with all the force , rattling.
I thought, i had long back buried the past,
But what lay ahead kept me aghast.
To imagine such things was in itself a punishment,
But, days have long gone by of merriment.
Past said,"It never stays buried but rhymes,"
"Like the clock of the church that chimes."
I asked,"Why has it come again; to give me troubles?"
" I already have had my share of fumbles."
Past jerringly said," I have come to make you understand;"
"Without the help of me you won't stand."
"Forgetting the the past will lead you nowhere;"
"You will not find a place to hide your face anywhere."
"Learnig from the past should be your aim,"
"Working in the present will give you fame."
"Only fools fear of maimed future;"
"Live today as your last,O poor creature!"
Saying these final words, my past went as a spook,
I promised myself to follow the advice of the crook.
Jerking the head for sheer lot of load;
Alas! walking down the lonely road.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 398 times
Written on 2008-02-26 at 11:58

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