Life Of A Kite

A kite has a life of its own,
Of which is not much known.

A silk fabric or sail attached to a bamboo frame,
Tails, like ribbons on plaits, add much to the fame.
With a strong string tied to the spar,acting as a tether,
Seeing the full view, no one can stop oneself to come hither.
Some spinners or spinsocks can be attached for visual delight,
The kite with it's full dress code is now ready to take the flight.
At first one has to give the kite a long rope,
When it begins to fall down you answer in a nope.
Pull the string and let the kite soar in the sky,
And when you thing to let the kite attain new heights is worth the try,
It snaps off all the connections till date,
And submits itself to the discretions of the fate.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 368 times
Written on 2008-02-26 at 11:59

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