
Everbody's life has ups and downs,
It's how you conduct yourself that counts,
Either you do not wait to conquer towns,
Or be prudent till your goodwill mounts.

Just that you were licked hundred times before,
Sholdn't stop you next time from trying,
Like a duck,
Stay unruffled on the surface and more,
Keep on paddling beneath and forget about others prying.

Like grass,
That stays beneath the earth,
Still not dies and fights the beating sun,
And sprouts back to life when rain drops are in no dearth,
Facing life better than to spurn.

Move on in life and forget the difficulties with a shrug,
And when the golden days come back,open your hands wide for a hug.

Poetry by Anuj Tripathi
Read 368 times
Written on 2008-02-26 at 12:02

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