This poem written to and for my wife Jeanne

Hope you PoetBayers don't mind a personal poem now and then

I Love You Jeanne

I love you Jeanne more than you know
I love you more than cats hate snow
I love you more than your eyes can see
You're tastier than an anchovy

To live with you is most inviting
When you're around my life's exciting
You're as colorful as a beauteous rainbow
As full of adventure as Jacque Cousteau

I've never ever believed in fate
But I believed it on our very first date
For whatever it was that led you astray
I'm forever grateful it steered you my way

by Stan Cooper...2/22/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 820 times
Written on 2008-03-02 at 00:10

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Kathy Lockhart
so sweet. I love your love poem to your wife Jeanne. It does a heart good to read such lovely sentiment. I love your humor in the telling of it. It was fun and very clever. : )

There is always place for personal poems :)
And this one is sugar sweet.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This is lovely and what love is about I think - doesn't have to be roses and caviar - just the things that give us pleasure, humour and a sense of fun, even when at times there are tears shed - if you can laugh later - then you have it made and it sounds, Stan, as if you have! Congruatulations

Elle x

This is one of the most charmingly delightful things I've read since long!

How could one not like a poem such as this that states how much in love you are and how blessed you feel at capturing the heart of this lady, a delightful read.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
What a beautiful poem Stan and your marriage is obviously such a wonderflu adventure well done beautiful and i book mark this rgds Mike

this one has such a charming honesty about it, that i couldn't help reading again, and again :)...especially that expression from the beginning, "more than cats hate snow" :D
it's LOVELY, and bookmarked :))
Lilly xxx

John Lambremont, Sr.
The Frenchman is a peculiar race
he fights with his feet and fucks with his face

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
A lovely love poem , Stan , well exprest , well writan . With Dons wonderful art from Don
Ken ( D Williams )