Goodbye Mr. Bush

Goodbye Mr. Bush and your administration's menagerie
Goodbye Mr. Bush along with your "strategery"
Your vision you proclaimed to be wonderfully grand-ish
Goodbye to that vision that was grandly outlandish

Goodbye Mr. Bush we never did love-ya
Goodbye Mr. Bush Goodbye Mr. Dubbyah
Regards to Condeleeza and sharpshooter Cheney
Of those who will miss them, I doubt there'll be many

Goodbye Mr. Bush our Constitution survived, barely
Goodbye Mr. Bush you respected it rarely
Who ever succeeds you will be left with your mess
Goodbye Mr. Bush we'll survive nonetheless

Goodbye Mr. Bush and your shock and awe morality
Goodbye Mr. Bush and your shock and awe brutality
Water-boarding torture your legacy will follow
Goodbye Mr. Bush your legacy rings hollow

Goodbye Mr. Bush
Good riddance

by Stan Cooper...3/5/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 711 times
Written on 2008-03-06 at 14:57

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Esti D-G
Excellent polemic, Stan!
Good on yer.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
I read you poem with interest Stan and i guess my natural political leanings would be more to the left than George bush was or is.
As an outsider it is difficult for me to judge the effect on your constitution. Yet the very fact that you are able to vote the republicans out or vice versa every four yearsin my view demonstrates the absolute longevity of it. As Tony blair was so closely associatds with George Bush and i was a supporter of Tony blair i guess i had some empathy. But and it is a big but

I fear two things most of all
One not strong enough to stand up to the enemies
of USA and in our case the UK

and two your Countries possible drift to isolationist policies. Theoretically less likely under a democratic regime but watch that space next november well done rgds Mike

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I am going out on a limb here Stan and am frankly worried about that. My view is that I think it will be good when Bush leaves. His attitude toward to Europe has always been questionable and he has never been popular. The reason it worries me to reply to this poem, is that I have read a lot of political poetry on here of late and have seen the backlash when another 'poet' doesn't like the views of another. I feel as an artistic community, that we should all respect each others views. I am neither anti this or anti that, just a person who has looked at the political situation internationally and has felt that Bush;s them and us attitude has caused a lot of problems.

With respect to everyone here

I do read the political - and I like to read each and everyones views on what is - as I have found - a subject fraught with misinterpretation - I enjoyed reading this Stan, very much, it is nice to read words from an American about his views

Elle x

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
If only Bush /Blair/ Brown , truly decided polasey. It's those faceless ones , who deside . Those we do't get too say a thing about , thats is vote in or out. McCaine vited agaisat the war , yet has said '' Will stay 100 years in Iraq if we must'' Hillery Clinton , voted for the war. Now will she show '' a woman can do it too''. Obama made a good spech '' it's dumb wars I wont support'' '' lets wean America of middle east oil'' , he spechd of a stage withdraw. Clinton , used the '' Moslem's card'' a pitcher of Obama in Sudan nastinal dress . Is '' red neack'' mentality , gooing too come in play? Tho , as I said , it's Murdock's Fox others . Same hear Murdocks '' sun'' so very powerful. Me I sit upon the highest hill , looking ,watching . A fools hill , in days of your , kings had his fool , was the only man who coukld say what he thourt , and live too tell his story!!!. Now it's only the commedens who tell it has it is.
All the best Stan & Don a great combind work of and from you both.
Ken ( D Williams )